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  • Writer's pictureNuestra Belleza Nacional Cuba

Miss Intercontinental 2018 Franchise

Updated: Nov 20, 2022

Miss Cuba U.S. directors have been award the franchise for Cuba

at Miss Intercontinental 2018.

Franchise for Cuba

Miss Cuba U.S. directors have been award the franchise for Cuba at Miss Intercontinental 2018.

About Miss Intercontinental Cuba

After for years of absents, Miss Cuba U.S. now holds the franchise and is expected to submit a representative for Cuba at Miss Intercontinental 2018 is celebrating their 47th anniversary in Manila, Philippines.

Miss Cuba U.S. ostenta la franquicia y responsable de mandar la representante de Cuba en la competencia de Miss Intercontinental 2018 celebrando la edicion 47 realizada en Manila, Filipinas.

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